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Rehearsals are scheduled once a month (with a few breaks throughout the year). We meet on a Saturday morning and rehearse throughout the day, and then all get together in the evening to unwind and socialise. We rehearse again on Sunday morning finishing about lunchtime. We usually rehearse around the Midlands, but this can vary throughout the year.


We generally play 3-4 concerts per year. This consists of a Spring/Summer concert, a regular booking for the Lichfield Proms in Beacon Park in September (an outdoor event with audiences reaching over 10,000), and our yearly Proms Night Spectacular takes place in the stunning Birmingham Symphony Hall starts Christmas off with a bang! We have played in the Royal Albert Hall, are involved in the celebrations annually for National Police Memorial Day, and have even organised international tours to France and India!


Accommodation is provided for the Saturday night of rehearsal/concert weekends, for those travelling long distances we have the option to provide the Friday night as well.

Can I join?

If you (or a family member) are a serving/retired police officer or staff, or any other law enforcement agency, we would love to hear from you!
That being said, if you are interested in joining our wonderful organisation we will be happy to consider requests from anyone on a case-by-case basis. We do have orchestral members who do not fit into this category, who we have happily adopted into the ‘extended police family’.

Am I good enough to join?

The short answer is – ask!
The orchestra plays a variety of challenging music from a whole range of genres. Different sections have different requirements, and this can even change throughout the year dependant on repertoire. If you send us a message, we will usually invite you to a weekend rehearsal for a trial, and you can then meet the section leader to discuss further.

Can I be involved if I don’t want to play in the orchestra?

There are links at the side of the page for details of our PlayOut! musical outreach scheme. With any large ensemble, there is a huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes of the polished concert that appears on stage. As a charitable organisation, we are always incredibly grateful for anyone who wants to contribute their time or resources, and welcome any support of any kind. Suggestions for event collaboration or sponsorship are always very much appreciated.